Friday 9 November 2007

Apple iphone - Launching!!!

Yes, the Apple iphone will be launching today at 6pm. Well, the thing is that they could have chosen a better timing than 6pm, right? It is so late and most of the shops have shut! I think that was the idea because O2 and Apple knows that people will be queuing up to get their hands on the iphone. Well, we will see about it. It is just too expensive as you need to pay £269 for the phone and £35 a month for 18 months (that will be the 8GB version)! That is just too much! Well, alternatively, you can go for the 4GB version where it will be free and you need to sign up to an 18 months contract.

People are queuing up for the phone to be sold in less than three hours to go! Some people have waited since 8am this morning! Tell me about die hard fans! Will I be one of them? Hum...Not really...

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