Tuesday 11 December 2007

Check this one out...

The Story below was taken from Yahoo news on 11/12/2007.

More than one million of the new jobs created in the last decade have gone to foreign-born workers, a study has found.

According to an analysis of figures carried out by the Statistics Commission, 1.4 million of the 2.1 million new jobs since 1997 have been filled by people born overseas.

This figure includes many people whose parents happened to be abroad at the time of birth, but were nevertheless British.

The figures come ahead of the publication of a new report on the demography on the UK.

The National Statisticians Annual Article, the first in a new series of annual reports, gives an overview of the state of the population, using the latest statistics available.

Each year, the report by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) focuses on one specific topic. This year, it will look at fertility, and particularly the impact of migration to the UK.

The Department for Work and Pensions has said the figures suggesting that 81% of new jobs had gone to people born abroad were nothing new.

They were released in a parliamentary statement and widely reported in the aftermath of the row over the revised foreign worker statistics in October.

The Department for Work and Pensions said the Statistics Commission analysis showed they had been right to revise their estimates of the number of foreign nationals taking new jobs up several hundred thousand to 1.1 million in October.

Last month, figures released by the Government's Actuary Department showed the UK population could almost double to 110 million in less than 75 years. High immigration and fertility rates could lead to the number of people in Britain topping 108,700,000 by 2081.

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