Monday 10 December 2007

Skype on Nokia N95 8GB

There has been many reports praising the remarkable Nokia n95 8GB which is far more sophisticated as compared to the original Nokia N95. 3 has launched the N95 with skype! Users will be able to use it without much of a problem on mix and match as it comes with the X-series. However, 3 has not yet launch the X-series on N95 8GB.

The problem here is that many carriers are not in favour of allowing skype to be installed on their phones because they are scared that many people will be using less of the carrier service. In turn, they will lose profits. Well, I think what 3 has done was a welcoming move. They are the only carrier in the UK to allow skype to be installed on their mobile phones. They also allowed users of 3 to use skype free so long as you have a pay monthly account with a plan called mix and match. On pay as you go users will have to top up every month to use the plan. That is really good, actually. I support what 3 has done. What I don't like is that 3 does not allow users to flash 3's firmware onto their mobile. I don't understand that. One example will be where 3's firmware is featured on N95. If anyone had a N95, i think 3 should be really happy to flash their own firmware onto the consumer's phone so long as it is compatible with their firmware to be able to use skype. What is wrong with that considering that customer are using 3 pay as you go!

Oh well, 3 said that they will be releasing the N95 8GB soon. I don't know how long would a customer will need to wait before they release the N95 8GB. I think they will be the last carrier to have N95 8GB. Mark my word. I also hope that skype will release the software on symbian s60 v3. This will allow people who wants to have skype on 3 will be able to use it on other s60 v3 devices.

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