Thursday 27 December 2007

Update on Madeleine McCann

By Sky News SkyNews - Thursday, December 27 10:29 am

Private detectives searching for Madeleine McCann have reportedly received hundreds of calls after her parents' Christmas plea was shown around the world.

Kate and Gerry McCann filmed it at their home in Rothley, Leicestershire.

It included previously unseen footage of an excited Madeleine opening her gifts last Christmas.

The broadcast prompted 347 calls from the public offering new information to their special hotline.

The new leads will now be investigated by the family's private detective agency Metodo 3, based in Barcelona, Spain.

The message came as the couple, both 39, endured their first Christmas without their daughter, who was three when she vanished in Portugal.

Writing in his blog, Gerry said Madeleine "should not be spending Christmas away from her loving family".

He wrote: "The person who took Madeleine has it in their power to end our suffering and will be able to appease their conscience that they have done the right thing - especially at this time of year.

"Kate and I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time at this busy time of year to write to us and let us know Madeleine and our family are still in their thoughts and prayers.

"We still have at least one hundred cards to open! As always, every single one will be opened and read and the support expressed helps renew our determination to find Madeleine."

:: The number to contact for anyone who sees or has any information on Madeleine is 0034 902 300 213.

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