Wednesday 23 January 2008

Don't use the Bible to control other people

I don't understand why some people would like to use scriptures of the Bible to control other people. I just do not know why. Someone please tell me... I don't think we should do that to other people. What is more important is to share!!!

Some people just don't get it. They are trying to brainwash other people by using the Bible! That is not good at all. Why not they make use of the Bible to spread the goodness of Jesus Christ? Someone just tell me why. That is really pathetic. Oh...Do you know what? Someone just came to me and say: 'I am not going to be your friend because the scriptures in the Bible asked me to.'


Anonymous said...

These are fanatics & fundamentalist who ain't really read the Bible in the proper light. They use religion to instill fear & hatred, there is no place in today's world for them & we must keep them away from our lives. Religion is a personal relationship with God & it's not for others to judge us or interfere in our lives. So as i said, he does NOT deserve your Friendship. Period.

ぜるもう said...

I do understand and I will not be talking to him anymore. I think he is not going to give me a call also. We will see about it but in the end, I will not be talking to him at all. End of.

Anonymous said...

I am certainly very happy to hear that you have ended with him, keep it this way forever & never let him in again!

ぜるもう said...

I have not spoken to him since that day and I hope that it will be the end of it.