Saturday 2 February 2008

Economy Slowdown

I have to say that in the wake of the US economy downturn, it has affected other economies too. What I am talking about is that due to the credit crunch in the US, it had let to many job cuts and no new jobs created which is needed to fund the economy. What is happening in the USA is alarming but it can be controlled. What we need is a simple idea - savings.

I believe in savings as it is really useful for rainy days like now. I think what is important is for us to spend wisely and do not fear of the economy downturn in the USA. No doubt that it will affect other countries but we have to have faith in our economy. We do not want panic and also rumours that are spreading around. What is important is to spend wisely. That is the message which I want to tell everybody.

If we do not spend, it will lead to shops being shut because people do not shop for goods any more. We need people to spend their money. At the same time, if there are people who are out there to shop, it will create jobs and more taxes could be collected by the government. This is a chain of events which would see that the government will win in the end. Well, We need to stick to our guns and be wise in choosing whatever that we want.

I am relieved to hear that Bush junior is now coming up with plans and action them. His aim is to provide support for the USA's economy. That is good and I hope that the American economy will recover soon enough. If USA economy were to take a deep dive, some how or rather it will affect other countries too. It is a domino effect. Read my lips, spend wisely and try to save!!!

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