Saturday 16 February 2008

I am Feeling Rubbish Today

For God knows reason, I am feeling very down today. It is not just today but for the past few days. I don't know what is going on with me but I think it was due to events or things that have accumulated for the past few weeks or so which made me so down.

I could not tell you what it was but I can safely say that I am down because I have not found the right job. I am feeling down because I could not be working temporarily in a place where it does not offer good prospect to me. I am finding a little bit difficult in securing a job which I like. I think it is just tough and I woud have to move on and keep on seaching. It does not help when you are helpless, right?

Oh well, we will see about it then. Studying is no fun but it is satisfying when you get the qualification. On the other hand, one needs a good job offer, don't you think so?


Anonymous said...

Now, that fit's the puzzle! You have been very quiet & not concentrating much. I felt something drastically different in you.

Gosh! i think it has been building since a month ago, i could feel the changes. I was wandering why.

Don't be too harsh on yourself, you what to make change, do it in your own pace, don't jump the gun & get so critical on yourself.

Anonymous said...

You want to make change, do it in your own pace, don't jump the gun & get so critical with yourself! It's only going to bring you bad results.