Thursday 21 February 2008

I am Troubled

As you have known, I have meet up with someone who does not want to become my friend anymore two weeks ago, right? This time, I met one of my former church members. I hink she is one of the elders in the church. Guess what he told me? he told me that he was rather concerned about me and therefore he has decided to stay away from me. I don't understand that. I told him that I can find other chapters in the Bible which counter the same chapter which he has shown me before (Thanks to someone who is far far away - I do cherish our friendship).

I was really mad. Besides that, that individual is just like a person who likes to gossip around. I don't like that. IT is bad. I don't like people to gossip around. I am trying to stay away from them but I don't think I can because they are everywhere. I need some peace people!!!


Anonymous said...

As i've tole you before, keep away from followers of this congregation. They are small in number, hence more easy access to gossiping. Just stop associating with them, when you see anyone of them approaching you, just pretend that you are busy & that you didn't notice them & Just WALK AWAY! It's as simple as that.

ぜるもう said...

I will do it. I have not spoken to him since that day.