Thursday 27 March 2008

Asylum Seekers in Jail?

I do agree with Lord Woolf that prisons are not meant for Asylum Seekers. I was wondering why they want to lock asylum seekers in jail? Have they done anything wrong by killing people or committed GBH or something similar to it? I don't understand the reason behind it.

Mind you, I do have great respect for Lord Woolf because he was the one and to me, he is the only one who went through the reform of the Civil Justice System back in the late 1990s. I do remember who much I admire him as to his contribution towards the CJS. Until now, I think that he is still the greatest after the late Lord Denning.

I do understand that back then, Lord Woolf was under criticism from Terence Ingman and both of them were of the different opinion when it comes to small details of the reforms. Nevertheless, Lord Woolf's suggestions were implemented, not all of them at that time but now, it has been fully implemented. I wish Lord Woolf well. Good to hear something about him again.

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