Wednesday 26 March 2008


I do remmber when I had the opportunity to use Sharp's 903SH. It was back in 2004 and I can tell you that the features of the phone was excellent! It is heavy no doubt but yet it is packed with functions. I got it on a 12 months contract with Vodafone. Anyway, after 903SH, I don't think Sharp has released any other successor to the famous 903SH for the European market. Instead, Sharp has just released the 904SH and the 905SH locally in Japan. It will be really difficult for other people to get their hands on any of the 904SH and also 905SH which are workable in the EU.

I have checked on ebay and they do sell 904SH but it is locked. Anyway, there is a way to use the locked 904SH. It is the same goes to 905SH which is under the brand name of FOMA in Japan. I am overjoyed that there is a chance that I can make use of the phone from overseas but it is still risky. i mean, there is no one in the country that could repair the phone if anything were to happen to the phone and no warranty will be given as it is sold as it is.

Nevertheless, i will be trying to get my hands on one of the FOMA SH905i soon. I know that it is locked but if I were to use a dedicated sim card in conjunction with the sim card which I Am going to use, I will be able to use most of all the functions of the phone. We will have a look at it then.

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