Wednesday 19 March 2008

Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit

I have no problems in using Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit until this morning. Oh My. I don't know what is going on over there. I was just trying to sync my Nokia mobile phone with the pc and guess what? I got a BSOD. That is pretty bad man. I don't know what am I going to do with it.

I can reinstall Windows XP Pro 32 bit but I am just scared of the malware intrusion which I have posted earlier. I just do not know what to do with it.

Anyway, I went to Nokia website and it was mentioned that the latest PC Suite will support Windows Vista 32 bit but there was no mention of support for Vista x64! However, there is support for XP 64 bit. Now I am wondering whether it will be alright for me to get a copy of XP pro 64 bit instead. It is just a waste of money. Right now I think I should just stay within the realms of Windows XP 32 bit if I want to reinstall my pc and hope that everything will be alright. This would mean that I will not be getting pop ups saying that my pc is infected by malware when I have not even log on to the internet! That was strange.

One of my learned friends told me that it is possible that I had a defective Active X on my pc. I do not know what am I going to do to fix the problem. Perhaps I can fix it by installing a new Active X for Internet Explorer. Those annoying pop ups will only happen if I use Internet Explorer. Strange, right?

Oh well, I hope that I will be able to fix the problem tonight.

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