Tuesday 1 April 2008


I was quite shocked to hear from the reports from the House of Lords saying that immigrants have no significant benefit to Britain at all. I don't agree to this. They are saying that the £6 billion figure which the government have mentioned earlier this year is irrelevant. I don't agree to this at all.

I do believe that UK needs immigrant. Do you know why? They pay taxes but use very little of the services provided by the government. Do you know why? They are willing to work and not just take a laid back situation. That is why I think about immigrants. However, there are also those black sheeps where by they got the right to stay in UK but take the excuse not to work but always use the facilities provided without any considerations.

However, I think that I don't agree to the reports from the HOL simply have failed to consider the wider impact on UK. What is the point of wasting 8 months worth of research? What we need is to get kids back to school and college so that they have a degree and get on with their lives! I do agree with the government that immigrants bring more benefit than harm.

Presently, the situation over in the UK is not as favourable as before. Pols arriving in UK have dropped and there are more Pols going back to Poland to work now because they can earn triple back in Poland as compared to UK. The latest report showed that Poland's GDP have increased, thanks to joining the EU and it has made them richer. We have to appreciate what migrants have done good for UK, don't you think so?


Anonymous said...

These Lords need to do some soul searching & some need a brain check to!

ぜるもう said...

Hahahaha! Funny thing is that the government is standing strong by their words. I do agree with the government that immigrants bring them more good than harm.