Monday, 7 April 2008

Olympic Torch

I was so sad in regard to the protesters of the Olympic march across Europe. I do understand that the Olympic torch was in London last week and it is now in Paris. There were people who tried to snatch the torch and some tried very hard to protest. I don't understand it at all.

What can the protesters gain in return of protesting then? What is their gain of doing that in the public? Are they trying to express their freedom of expression here? Well, I am thinking of why not they try to do it back in China then instead of trying to sabotage the Olympic torch.

The thing is that Olympic games is a sign of respect. It has always been the case. The Olympic games was held in Germany during second world war where all countries involved in it ceased fire for the duration of the games. You see, war is just what politicians' tool but we normal people does not need to go though what they have gone through. We have to be peaceful and that is just relevant in today's society. What is the point of continuing the tradition of Olympic games when people are not united? We do not need to care about the politics. We just need to unite everybody.

I do understand that there were people including celebrities who are against the Olympic games in Beijing because China has a poor track record of human rights. Well, what is the matter here? Are we supposed to stop all the fighting and the bickering and concentrating in winning and promote friendship around the world? Where is the spirit of the Olympic games then?


Anonymous said...

Nothing to worry as PM Brown as made his stand that he will be directly involved in the Torch when it reaches number 10!

ぜるもう said...

Oh yes, I really hope so. The thing is that politics have nothing to do with Olympic Games! It started off as a first sign to friendship. Since when it became so ugly?