Tuesday 13 November 2007

'Broom award' - A surprise or what?

Two councils were given a broom each during the handing over ceremony lately. What? Broom award? what sort of award is that? After reading through the news, I came to know that the so called 'Broom award' was given to signify the council's failure to meet the target of 50% for the last financial year.

It is such a humiliation! Broom award! How could someone do that? I am sure that there is a reason for those two councils for not being able to meet the target and they do not deserve to eb humiliated in front of so many people!!!

I think it is just a fresh idea of how to keep people at their toes. I mean the country needs to have better people in managing the country's affair. Look, we have a good IT infrasructure but what do we get? We are still in the category of 2Mbps when we are talking about broadband. What is going on here? We have our own silicon village and is that the best that TM can come up to it?

I think what we need is competition. We should have more fresh players in the market. Sometimes I do not agree with Tun Dr. Mahathir when he said that our national's telecommunication network providers should be cut (from five networks down to three networks just before he step down as the country's longest serving prime minister). In this sense, I don't agree with him. With due respect, I think with competition, we will be able to grow. Look at Japan and the America, not forgetting about UK. They have lots of competition. In the end, do you know who are the winners? Consumers just like you and me. I support competition (certainly I do agree with EU Commissioner Kroes for commenting on the truimph saga regarding the Microsoft case where Microsoft had to pay €497 million).

Like wise, Malaysia needs to grow. We can't live in a third world condition where our infrastructure is first class. Common people, wake up!!!

Oh yes... where is David Chong? He seems to have forgotten about all of us out of a sudden... :(


Anonymous said...

The Broom Award was just a very desperate measure by the Menteri Besar of Selangor in proving to UMNO that he is an effective, stern & no nonsense leader. This is the period where some politicians like him are shaking in fear of the Upcoming UMNO Elections next year. He is desperate to hold on to power.

He has not done much in Selangor, infact a lot of corrupted politicians do come from Selangor such as the latest case of Dato'Zakaria & his Castle amounting to Millions. The Councillors of Selangor to have not been clean, unanswered exssessive spending amounting to millions too.

ぜるもう said...

I think someone from the top should really do something over here to curb the problems.