Friday 2 November 2007

Improving Reading Level

There was a report which suggested that the government have spent over £500 million in trying to improve reading level in primary schools but the result had no significant impact on the reading level in primary schools.

Although the figure showes that the improvement was not significant, one question remains. Why?

Once again, we cannot put the blame solely on the government. We cannot allow the governmnet to shoulder the blame for everything. Therer is so much tha the government can do and cannot do. They are not superman and superwoman. What is more important question is to ask the reason why.

It could be where funds were not properly distributed or maybe funds were properly distributed but the children themselves are not working hard enough. Maybe it was down to the habit of the parents where they did not really look after their children as they are being borg down with their own responsibilities. There are so mnay factors which led to the so called 'non impact level' in increasing the reading level within primary school.

I think there should not be anymore inquiry to figure out how to tackle the problem. I think it is simple. To improve the situation, parents must be asked to help their children, government should continue supporting chilren and the society should be encouraged to read!!! That is the way it should be. No more of lay back situation. Action is required immediately.

It is easy to point the finger at anyone but it is harder to solve the problem. Why not we come together and solve the problem? Don't you think it is a good idea?

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