Monday 5 November 2007

Raise Criminal Age

I do support the Archbishop of Canterbury's statement in trying to ask the government legislators to increase the criminal age of children. At the moment, the criminal age of children stands at 10 years old. Anyone below the age of 10 is deemd to be not capable to commit any crime at all (Doli Incapax). I do support the reasonings that the Archbishop has given.

I think it is really sad to see that chilren as young as 10 years old being charged for any criminal offence. Maybe I do have a soft spot for children but I don't see how a child of the age of 10 have any sort of malicious intention to commit a criminal offence. Well, having said that, perhaps there are cirsumstances where a child would commit a crime. Excluding any sort of circumstances, I don't think a child at 10 years old can commit any crime. They are actually victim of the moulding of the adult.

I can justify what I have said. Being a child, they do not know the consequences of being evil or what they are about to do is bad. The parents should always be on the look out to prevend them from doing bad things. Teach their children the right way of doing and not do anything that is bad infront of them. Always tell their children that doing bad things are bad for themselves too, not considering the harm that it might have negative consequences on the child for the rest of his or her life.


Anonymous said...

Yes, The Archbishop is indeed right & i like what you mentioned about the child being a victim of parent's moulding, yes, you said it very well.

Children are innocent & are always influenced by their parents. For example; if their parent's are racist, the children become racist too. Children see no colour, creed or religion, it's parents that corrupt their minds.

ぜるもう said...

I am not putting the blame solely on their parents. What I am trying to say that the parents should pay more attention to their children. Everything starts from home.