Wednesday 23 January 2008

Oh my God... What a person!!!

What do you call a person who turned his back on you?

What do you call a person who said that he is not going to be your friend because he is following what the Bible has said even though you always try to be his friend after all the troubles that he has caused you?

What do you call a person who has totally ignore all the past good things which you have done for him all these while (for almost five years) and set aside the differences between the two of you but later drop a bomb on you saying that he cannot be friends with you because the Bible said so?

Oh my God...

I am not here to criticise him. I just want to free my mind a bit. Let me talk a little bit more about him. He was a reformed Cristian and I knew him since five years ago. Since then, he has been involved himself in numerous church meetings and a devoted Christian as I can say about him. One thing which he seemed to have forgotten is that he needs to spend more time in his studies. Obviously he does not. Otherwise he would be studying for his PhD by now.

What is more interesting about this person is that I think he spent too much time in doing God's work and forgot about his own work. I am not saying that putting Go at first place is not a good idea. I told him before that he has to think carefully about balancing his priorities. He is here to study and he is best in finishing his studies. What is the point of repeating his studies over and over again?

I wonder why won't he put the amount of effort which he has in reading the Bible to do his studies? I have been very patient with him. I still do. In the end, it is not the friendship that counts. I still consider him as my friend as what God has said. Love you enemy as your friend. If he wants to disassociate himself from me, so be it. It will be his misfortune. I have been there to help him always and not asked for any help in return because I would like to help him purely for the love of it. He thinks that it does not matter at all.

The question is whether I should just give up on him? All he did to me was to cause me a lot of trouble. I think I should do so. Besides, someone has told me ages ago to just disassociate myself from him because he is not really that Holly anyway...


Anonymous said...

I have told you time & time again to drop this friendship into the Bin! The Guy needs mental help, he is fanatical & judgemental & it has made him a looney person. Eventually the whole world will cut off from him!

If you continue your friendship with him, you are just plain foolish! I have begged you to end it with him but you never. So here you are, he is nothing but trash!

ぜるもう said...

I will do so. Trust me!!!