Monday 31 March 2008

IE8 and Firefox 3 Beta

It was announced that Mozilla foundation is coming up with their next generation of web browser dubbed 'Firefox 4' to include a setting where by users will be able to view up to date webpages in offline mode. It is quite nice to know what is going to come from the Mozilla Foundation. However, the first step into Firefox 3 beta is not that pretty in sight.

I have been scoutting for Internet Explorer 8 and Mozilla Firefox 8 beta since they are still not publically available for downloading. I've googled and got the opportunity to download IE 8 and Firefox 3 beta and ready for installation. I do have high hopes in hoping that IE 8 and Firefox 3 will surprise me.

Well, after installing the both of them, I then rebooted the computer in hoping that I will be able to use it. I started firing up IE8 beta and guess what? I had to close it. Why? IE 8 shuts itself down. I looked at the problems as to why IE 8 beta had to shut down. It is just like having a BSOD. Oh my God. That was a problem. I had no choice but I had to uninstall IE8 beta. Looking at IE7 which is basically nice to use with tab function, I was hoping that IE8 will have much better functions. However, the first step was not good enough as I could not even use IE8.

After uninstalling IE8 beta, I tried my hands on Firefox 3 beta and guess what? I had the same problem with IE 8 too. Firefox 3 beta 4 was shutdown immediately after I click on it. Oh well, I really hope that when the web browsers are ready for the public, it will be usable. Perhaps it is time for me to change it to Windows Vista? Hum... No way!


08/04/2008: I still can't make use of both of the above softwares. I think there might be some issues regarding compatibility with Windows XP with SP3 v3311. I really hope that when both IE8 and Firefox 3 is made available for public release, it is going to be stable.

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