Monday 3 March 2008

Should UK call for a Referendum?

Remember not too long ago, Prime Minister Gordan Brown signed the Lisbon Treaty for allowing Brussels to have more control over UK policies? Remember his actioned has angered people particularly the Conservatives in the UK? Well well well, guess what? According to a report this morning, a few people climbed the House of Common holding out posters in protesting against giving some of our power to the EU.

This comes as the Conservatives were going to have a vote in regard to giving Brussels more power. I don't think the Conservatives are going to allow EU to have more power controlling some of our policies. Oh well, I think giving EU too much power is not a good idea. No doubt in joining EU has its good points too. Look at free movement of goods and persons. We have abolished taxes on goods that are coming from the EU.That is good.

Ofcause there is a trade off. A member of the country would have to abide by its law. Oh well, that is something which we need to consider. I strongly think that there should be a referendum. After all, the Lisbon Treaty was not quite successful when EU received objects from other member states. Stay tuned.

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