Wednesday 30 April 2008

Anti-Competition Law enforced against Supermarkets?

If you look at this page, you will noticed that the anti-competition commissioner in the UK is putting on stiffer rules in relation to the many anti-competition activities or potential anti-competition activities by major supermarkets. I think this is a good move because in doing so, the government will be able to ensure that smaller companies or new players are capable of surviving in the market dominated by big supermakets like Tesco, Morrisons, Asda and Sainsburys. Oh well, I think there should be more to come from the UK anti-competition commisioner because in the future, consumers will not have much choice.

Look around you. You do find a Tesco express or a Tesco store popping out on every single area and this is not a good sign because other groceries who has been doing their business for a long time will lose out because consumers will be able to buy their groceries from Tesco after working hours. No local grocers will open after 6pm apart from some in bigger cities who is willing to open their stores 24 hours non stop.

As I have mentioned, the Big Four should be controlled!!!

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