Monday 31 December 2007

New Year Eve

Wow! That is it! It is new year's eve again everybody! It is time for party! The million dollar question is where you are all going to celebrate tonight just in time for the new year? There are many places to celebrate for the arrival of the new year. You can actually celebrate it at home, with friends of cause; you can also go to London where there are many places offering ceberation of a life time or even spending some quality time just being with loved ones. I think that does it.

So, what are your plans for tonight?

As for me? Still undecided...

A word from the police... Please don't go wild. I wonder whether many people will take note of it or not... It is the celebration ushering into the new year!!! Well, there maybe people who are going to work tonight so Happy New Year to all of them!!!

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