Monday 10 December 2007

Thank God Almighty

Does God exist? Many people have been asking me when I tried to introduce God to them. Often than not, they asked me as to whether I have seen God. I said no but I felt His presence. Fine, many people does not believe in God. There are even more people who questioned God especially when disaster strike them hard. Where the Lord when you needed Him?

Forget about the myth about God is nowhere to be found. He is there but human could not see him. That is why He sent his son Jesus Christ to communicate, like a bridge between tow hills to close the gap between God and human. I believe that God exist but it is not seeable. Well, you tell me, does God exist?

There would be split votes if there were to be a poll. To me, God exist. I can't prove the existence of God to anyone except to say that I can feel it when He is there. It is just something which is personal - between a man and God Himself and nobody else. That is why we have people speaking in tongues. I can speak in tongues. Many people will be able to do so if they are given the spirit of the Lord to do so.

I think people should count on Him all the time and praise Him when things are getting on well and speak to Him for guidance when facing problems. That is what we should be doing. God Almighty, I praise you with grace. Amen.


Jay Antonio said...

Wah Lau! Very Much like a Pastor!

ぜるもう said...

No... but the tought just came to me...That is why