Tuesday 25 December 2007

Will Simth

I am sure that by the time you have read this page, you would think the Will Simth had said some wrong words. Well, waste no time in condeming him but we should instead think of what he has just said. Perhaps there is some justification in him saying so.

It was reported that Will Simth even said that Hitler was a good man. When he said that Hitler was a good person, it does not mean that Hitler was a good person per se. I think what he meant was that Hitler had an agenda. In order for him to carry out his plan for the 'new' Germany, drastic actions had to be done. Oh yes, we have heard a lot of things that he has done and most of them are bad. Yes, he condemned the Jews and killed many hundreads and thousands of them. That is not the point.

Perhaps, what Will Smith was trying to say is that deep down Hitler's brave side, he was a good person. Hitler has to do what he has to do at that point in time. However, I do not agree that by starting a war would justify a good person in Hitler. Perhaps Hitler was cowed by his subordinates. That was the problem. Oh well, for whatever reason, I think there were some justification in which Will Smith had said what he has said. He would have his reasons. Perhaps in Will Smith's mind, he thinks that Hitler was 'misguided'.

I think the most important thing is that when Hitler was in power, he would only trust those who were close to him. We have heard about his so called 'British Girl' -Unity Mitford and how close she was close to Hitler. She was seen everywhere during the uprising until she was brought back to England when the war broke out.

Anyway, I think Hitler was once had a good heart but what he has done to many people could not possibly think that he was a good person in general. What do you think?

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