Tuesday 25 March 2008

Anger Management

"What are you doing? You xxxxer!"

That was one of the words taken from a recent movie. Oh well, let's admit it. Swearing is not something uncommon now days. I think children as young as 10 years old know how to swear. The thing is that when you ask them the meaning of them swearing, they will keep quiet. They think that it is cool to say it because everyone in the school does it.

To me, swearing is just part of life. You do see people do swear on the road, in the pub or somewhere else. In fact, it is so common until they didn't notice that they had actually sweared. One famous person - Slah, he swored when he was up the stage to collect his award. Being half drunk and with a glass of nice wine in his hand, he must have noticed that he is live on stage but too bad, he was drunk and it is nothing which he could do.

I think swaring has something to do with anger. Sometimes when we are angry, we will swear automatically. It is like watching the movies! I don't think the government knows that anger plays a vital role when we are dealing with emotional stability of a person in this world. If our eomotions are not controlled, we will lose our ability to think properly, hence, lose our sound judgment. This is what we do not want people to suffer from.

Anger arises from many factors. One of which is pressure. It can be pressure from work, pressure from peers, pressure from other people who are unrelated to you or even pressure from home! What is more important is that we need to control our emotions. We need to think properly before we actually say anything. Oh well, you could say that if we do not release our anger, we might keep it within us and it comes a time where by people will run berserk because they could not handle the pressure anymore and hence lose control.

It is important that we have quality friends. we also need to have good amount of exercise every single week and best of all, pray to God. That will really help. Go for anger management course if you need to. Don't be afraid or embarressed about it because it is better for you to realise the problem now rather than later.

Have fun guys!

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