Thursday 20 March 2008

Close of More Post Office

I am more in favour of the government not closing more post office in the country. I don't agree what the labour business minister said aboutthe need to close more post office during yeserday's debate in the parliament.

I did watch the parliamentary debate on whether the government should close more post office, I gather that the government is pushing everyone to go further to reach a post office than before. The Business minister from Labour argued that there is a need to close more post office simply because they are not resourcesful and they are making loss most of the time. Hence forther, there is a need to close more of them to ensure that Royal Mail stays in the black rather in the red.

The said learned friend has forgotten that there are many people, including me, who use the post office each and everyday. I do believe that five years ago, there were five post office within two miles radius. That was five years ago. Now, they have shut down two post office and many people from that area whom their post office have shut would have to travel further to get to a post office. That is pretty bad indeed.

I do not really understand why the learned friend said that there are less people visiting the post office when I see that it is always crowded!!! People are complaining that the government should not close more pos office because it will put a strain on the eople especially the elderly! No wonder now post office are selling sweets, photo booth, instant photo prints and stationeries. They are focusing on how to make more money. That is fine but it is just not right to close more post office.

I think one of the reasons why less people are using the post office is because they are a hassle to use as people would have to queue up longer as there would be a long queue; poor service by Royal Mail and more expensive compared to other alternative companies. I think if Royal Mail were to reinstate the level of confidence of the people toward Royal Mail, I think they should just stop closing more post office and just cocentrate in upgrading their service. By them cutting back the number of trips to collect mail would be another drawback too. That will be another reason for people to choose alternative ways to post a letter or a parcel for instance - Other companies are offering better services tha Royal Mail. Wake up!!!

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