Tuesday 4 March 2008

General Election

It is the time again folks! It is the general election already! Coming Saturday and we will be able to know which party is going to govern the country! As we might have known, Barisan National will most probably win due to the fact that they have many components which represents the majority of the country ( Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan and etc.). If you noticed, this year will be a crunch time for the defending champion Barisan National to ensure that they will win so that they will stay in power for another five years.

It is quite obvious that the country needs someone who can really lead the country. We need someone who can take care of the country's economy. Where are the foreign investors? We need them! Coming April 2008, the government will not be offering any subsidy on crude oil so consumers beware that petrol and diesel prices might increase. It is projected that petrol prices will have an increase of fourty cents to RM2.22 in April 2008. Oh dear. I really hope that that day will not happen.

Other than that, I think Malaysia needs a leader who can really bring in investment from big guns like China and India. We can read from the newspapers that at the moment, USA is having an economic crisis but they will recover in no time at all (President Bush initiated a stimulany package to boost the people's confidence). Having said that, the leader who is going to lead the country should be brave enough to criticise and stand firm on whatever decision that he or she has made and stick to it. The wealth of the nation is vital for the country to sustain any sort of recession or even depression.

Look at the UK. No doubt that they had recession back in the 1980s but they quickly recovered. The UK's economy did not go through the economic cycle (as in depression) before recovering. The UK economy recovered. That is why, we need a good leader who can really stick to their word. Action speaks louder than words.

Anyway, we will see about it then. All the best to all parties taking part in the general election. Oh yes, not forgetting individual candidates too.


Anonymous said...

We definately need a change of Prime Minister. If he continues for another two years, Malaysia will suffer a sudden heart attack!

ぜるもう said...

We will have a look on Saturday then. Stay tuned!!!