Wednesday 19 March 2008

Mukriz's Letter to PM Abdullah

In referring to Mukriz's letter to PM Abdullah, I would have to say that the letter should have been private and not to let the cat out of the bag. I do have reservations in sending such a letter to the prime minister and also to let other people know what am I writing. I think that the letter should have been sent to PM Abdullah in private. In this sense, it would deemed as an opinion letter. What do you think?

After reading through one blog which mentioned the entire content of the letter to PM Abdullah, I do not know what to do if I am PM Abdullah. The reason is simple. If I was in Pak Lah's position, I would reflect on what have been going on well for the past five years and what has not been going on well for the past five years and correct those things which have not been going on well. In this case, I would think that the people will understand and make way for Pak Lah to continue his work.

What am I trying to say is that he should speak to the press more often. He should not be shy of the press. I think the press is one of the most effective ways to put across his opinions or his thoughts or rather what he wants to do. He should not shy away from the press. Look at PM of UK and Singapore. Both leaders are not scared of the press. The problem with that is that there is a chance that the plan will backfired if you don't control it properly.

Look at the UK. With freedom of speech which is widely practised, it seems that the press is controlling the people's life! That is bad man. That is the problem with too much freedom which is given to the press. In the end, it is really hard to balance freedom of speech and also privacy. Oh well, we need a balance over here. When are we going to get it then?


Anonymous said...

I need to highlight to you that Mujriz's letter to PM was given directly to PM. A Copy of it was handed to DPM, UMNO Secretary & some Senior Ministers of UMNO. This is a usual decorum followed in UMNO whereby the senior ministers sitting at the Board of the Supreme Council of UMNO would have greater weight in deciding on matters, they have the power to hold a no confidence vote against the PM & DPM. This is the function of the Supreme Council of UMNO.

Hence the reason why Mukriz had to give a copy of the letter to DPM & Supreme Council Board. It is obvious that many in the supreme council share Mukriz's opinion & one of them leaked it out & it got circulated around the world, it's so easy to circulate things these days with the Internet.

However i must say that the focus is on the need for PM to resign & he should. Period.

ぜるもう said...

I really hope that PM Abdullah will make a statement one of these days in relation to this matter. We will see what is going on then.

Anonymous said...

Rumours is, PM will be challenged in the coming elections of UMNO as President. He may have to face Tengku Tan Sri Razaleigh Hamzah! Very Good!

Anonymous said...

PM has already made a statement regarding this matter. He said that if Pemuda has decided not to take action on Mukriz. Then so be it, PM accepts Pemuda's decison.

Do you know why PM accepts Pemuda's decision? Because Mukriz has clear cut eveidence that PM's Son-in-law bribed many poor families in Mukriz's Constituency (Jerlun, Kedah) not to vote for Mukriz during the General Elections. Does PM want to risk the eveidence proven by Mukriz?!! PM just better shut his mouth & get out!

Anonymous said...

EVIDENCE is it! Mukriz has the EVIDENCE! Does PM want to risk it?!

ぜるもう said...

Oh well, we will have to see what is going on over there particularly when PM is going to pay a visit to the Sultan of Terengganu.