Tuesday 4 March 2008

Some Colleagues

Well, I am quite sad for the fact that there are selfish people around. I mean, there are many type of people in this world. There are those who are genuinely kind and helpful; some of them are kind and helpful but with an agenda (for their self interest). There are also those people who is afraid of you being better than them so they just don't want you to know more about them. I am more concerned with the last category of people.

I do have a colleague whom I will meet once a week. I have tried to help him in doing his work. Being very sincere and kind, he does not want me to help him. I have asked him why and he said that he has things to do. I Don't understand. When I asked him further, he said that the type of work which I am doing for him is not the same work which I have been doing so it is different. I then asked him what about my performance then. He said that there is nothing wrong with the way how I am doing. Well, I don't get it.

Well, I think I can come up to a few conclusions after a brief encounter with him. Initially, I was thinking that since I am quite good in doing other jobs, I would like to give him a hand which is nothing new to what am I doing. He said nothing because I was doing my job well. I told him that please let me know if I am doing something wrong so that he can correct me. He said alright but with some hesitation. I don't know why but body language would tell me that he does not like me to help him.

He has lots of work to do and I would like to lighten his load. Why is he not wanting my help? I just don't understand. Anyway, I was pretty good in doing his job! Hahahahaha. He was quite amazed in how I did his work. I was just trying to lighten his workload, that is all. I do not want to prove to him anything. I don't really know what is going on in his mind at that time.

In the end, he got rid of me. I just don't get it. What I don't understand is that will it be good if someone is here to help you? I just don't understand why he does not want me to help him. Perhaps he thinks that I am not as good as he is OR he thinks that I might take over his job!!! Hahahahaha.

I got quite upset because he is just a forgetful brad and a slap on my face! I did help him to lighten his load but he did not even say a simple 'thank you' to me! I will definitely not going to help him anymore. Well, we will see how far he can go in life. There must be a reason why he is behaving in that way. No one likes to work with him anyway and I want to know why. It will be his loss for not accepting me to help him because he is struggling with his department!


Anonymous said...

Ah! Brush a side Tailo, it's no alarming cause of concern. He has issues with himself, most likely problems that make him keep to himself. It's an issue with himself
really. Nothing for you to worry about.

You have done nothing wrong on your part. The guy has problems with himself, he is not a peace. It could be personal problem or family problems.

And there could be a remote possibility that he may have a crush on you & that's causing a battle in his mind. It's normal.

Bottom line is, it's nothing of your fault. Just relax & keep cool.

ぜるもう said...

Oh yes, he might have some issues with his personality. He has a crush in me? I don't think so. We will see about it then. Thanks anyway.