Thursday 20 March 2008

Speculation of a Takeover of the Opposition

If you really read the local newspaper in Malaysia, you will noticed that there was a speculation that in one or two months to come, Anwar Ibrahim will be back in the political scene. With that, he will be able to change the way how Barisan Nasional is doing. Best of all, there is a possibility that the opposition will take over the ruling Barisan National party.

Oh well, I am not sure about that. The thing is that it will be good that Anwar Ibrahim is back in action because he has been away for quite a long time. Oh well, we will see about it in one or two months to come.


Anonymous said...

What??? You want Anwar to take over the Country? He was a dam racist & an opportunist while he was Deputy Prime Minister.

ぜるもう said...

I am not saying that Anwar should take over but there is a chance that he might take over the opposition coalition. That was what I meant. However, we have to see about it next month as it will be April 2008 where Anwar can enter the political scene again.

Anonymous said...

In actual fact, Anwar has never left the Political Scene & strangely remains relevant!

It is because of him that Keadilan (PKR) is so strong today, he has somehow given a back bone & popularity to the Opposition.

The future is uncertain, he may back a huge comeback. Nothing is certain the M'sia's Political Senario today.

ぜるもう said...

There is a posibility that Anwar will be back and topple the government with his PKR and also the opposition coalition party. What I am afraid of is that it will weaken the Malaysian market in the eye of a foreign country.