Saturday 8 March 2008

Toronto University

I have come across this article which stated that a student was given an 'F' instead of a 'B' which he was originated given because he was found to be discussing home work with other fellow students online via facebook.

I really think that what he has done was good. The lecturer who gave him an 'F' later lashed out at his attempt, saying that by doing so, it gave he and the team an unfair advantage over others. I do agree with it but on the other hand, I think it is just fair on the students' perspective that they have done so because they want to succeed. There is a traditional saying where by many heads are better than one. It is true, you know.

A person might have some skill or knowledge but he isn't that perfect beceause he might not have other experience. Well, if we were to gather a group of people or maybe a thousand people in a group and study together, what is the effect of it? It will be like many heads together and they share their knowledge, thus, improving on their skills.

Take computer chips for a moment. We have learned that back in the days we only have one cpu within a cpu. Three years ago, we have seen two cores in a cpu. One year ago, we saw the launch of quad core, which is basically four cores in one. Not long ago, we saw Intel introduced dual quad core (8 cores in one) platform. What is the moral of the story that we can derive from this lesson?

Many heads will make things run better and faster. That is just what those students in Toronto University are doing. They are merely gathering more information to make them study better and smarter. Oh well, you can say that I am wrong but I think group study is much better this way. The internet has changed our life these days.

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