Monday 10 March 2008

2008 Malaysian General Election

After reading the results of the latest Malaysian General Election, I fell to both of my feet. I sank deeply in my chair and began to wonder. What went wrong? Oh no, some people might be rejoicing because the opposition party occupied 5 State seats out of 11 seats available. That is pretty marvellous for the opposition.

This election saw the unthinkable happened. What happened? The ruling coalition party (Barisan National) only had a simple majority victory compared to the previous landslide well over two thirds majority last time. This is a shame.

Personally, I think that must be something which the leader could do to improve the current situation. We do see that inflation in Malaysia is not that high but you could find that product prices are going up by the days. It is quite expensive to maintain a motor vehicle now. Well, for those people who argues that taking public transport is the solution - Think again. Rapid KL is not functioning as it was planned. Bus drivers do not stick to their time table. Traffic jams during peak hours does not help too. What can we say? The Malaysian economy is not that brilliant at the moment but we are alright. What we need is someone who can really provide us with the action to continue. Someone, like Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. I can't deny that during his time in the office, many people knew Malaysia. He was the 'businessman' of Malaysia. We have many projects that drew a lot of attention. We had our 16th Commonwealth Games in 1998 and also the Asian Games for starters. We also had many other functions during his time in the office. We need someone who can really do their work.

The question is who? Datuk Badawi is not going to resign as he has reiterated yesterday. I can't comment much on the general election but one thing for sure - The people are not happy with the way how the government is running the country. We need someone who can do the job. God bless.

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