Tuesday 17 February 2009

Elizabeth Wong

I pity the woman. She has been a very capable person in the politics arena but it is too bad that someone is trying to bring her down. I know that it was a personal attack on her but I am sure that those people who threatened her would burn in hell! It is a dirty tactic for the opposition to take up such a case against her. She has offered to resign but I think resign is just too easy for her. I don't think the press should be allowed to publish those pictures. Give her a life, alright? It is wrong for those cowards to do that to her. Her career might be over but I think she shouldn't resign. Don't just resign. She should fight for it. For more information, look here.

More updates here and here.

Update on 23/02/2009 here.


Anonymous said...

I am fumming over this! What is so wrong sleeping naked? and what was wrong of her being in a consumated relationship? she is not Muslim eventho latest findings suggest that her ex bf is a Muslim.

Bottom line is, she has done nothing wrong! This is the utter stupidty of Malaysia, no sense of respect to one's privacy! They barge into people's lives using 'morality' & 'religion' as the passport to justify their ignorance on civil liberties, privacy and legal rights!

This is one of the fucked up things in Malaysia! Those who point fingers are not clean, they are bloody hypocrits! Nothing but animals which mainly consist of 'Barisan Nano' Men! They should just drink poison !

ぜるもう said...

The problem is that there are people out there to frame her and make a quick buck! They suspected that those pictures were taken without her consent and guess who is her suspected culprit? Yes, it is her former boyfriend. What to do? I think the accussed should be lock up in jail, rather than for her to lose her job. The former boyfriend is so disgusting!!!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't this confirm that men tend to be idiotic and disgusting? Women always fall victim to Men! and when Men feel that they are loosing out to their women, they just walk out from the relationship! This is Men in general although there are handful of exceptions.

ぜるもう said...

Joshua, you've got to understand that circumstances will make a person, no matter whether it is a man or woman, lose their sense of humanism. I am so sad to see that not only women but also men fall into this trap.