Monday 7 May 2007

Space Travel

Have you thought of blasting off to space station for a two week holiday? It will be fun, isn't it? I think it is good. It is a pity that currently it cost a fortune to do so. At about US $25 million, you will be able to do so. Well, technically no.

Before lifting off to space, you need to go through six months worth of training under zero gravity and also you need to be accustomed to life under zero gravity. It will be fun. I have longed to blast off to space and have two weeks of looking at the earth before going back to Earth. It will be a good chance for me to have a look at Earth from space and not through books.

Perhaps we can seek the founder of Maxis Berhad's help. He is the second richest person in Malaysia. He owns satellittes and maybe he will be the first space tourist for Malaysia! What do you think?

I really hope that it will be possible for people to have space travel in the future. Fingers crossed...

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