Tuesday 12 February 2008

CNY Celebration

I know that I have writte something about Chinese New Year this year but I do want to write more about it. In fact, I do love this year's CNY celebration. I am saying this is because I do feel that this year's CNY celebration is a proper one for me for the last five years. At least I am fully enying myself and I love each and every single bit of it.

I got the opportunity to go many places and I was only upset for one good reason - Not being able to get to the British Museum to see what I was looking for. What a shame. Anyway, CNY has more than one week to go before it ends officially, I would like to wish everyone a prosperous year this year!

I am busy for these two weeks and I think I will be more busy for these three years! We will see about it but in the mean time, just sit back, relax and let the good time roll.


Jay Antonio said...

It's been a very very dull Chinese New Year this year in Malaysia... Sad really...

ぜるもう said...

You need to keep the spirit up! Cheer up!